Here is a list of all bachelor, master (former diploma) and PhD theses written under the (co-)supervision of a member of the Research Station since 2019.
If you are interested in writing your thesis at the Resreach Station, please contact the favored supervisor directly.
Geometric Invariants and Asymptotics of Translation Surfaces
Maurice Reichert
Geometric structures and representations of surface groups
Colin Davalo
On the geometry of magnetic flows
Valerio Assenza
On the Hofer–Zehnder Capacity of Twisted Tangent Bundles
Johanna Bimmermann
Topics in Persistent Homology: From Morse Theory for Minimal Surfaces to Efficient Computation of Image Persistence
Maximilian Schmahl
Polyfold methods for the study of periodic delay orbits.
Irene Seifert
The symplectic geometry of surface group representations in genus zero
Arnaud Maret
Periodic Bounce Orbits in Magnetic Billiard Systems.
Anna-Maria Vocke
The Horofunction Compactification of Finite-Dimensional Normed Spaces and of Symmetric Spaces.
Anna-Sofie Schilling
Cataclysm deformations for Anosov representations.
Mareike Pfeil
Symplectic groups over noncommutative rings and maximal representations.
Eugen Rogozinnikov
Singular fibers of Hitchin systems.
Johannes Horn
Domains of discontinuity of Anosov representations in flag manifolds and oriented flag manifolds
Florian Stecker
Generalized Schottky groups, oriented flag manifolds and proper actions
Nicolaus Treib
Rabinowitz Floer homology, leafwise intersections and topological entropy.
Matthias Meiwes
Der Hut - ein Einstein mit Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Schulkontext
Hanna Klein
Illuminationsprobleme Rationaler Polygone
Kirsten Rheinberger
Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Optimal Control Problems
Johannes Wagner
Prediction of Optimal Trajectories with Neural Networks
Isabel Gernand
The visual boundaries of symmetric spaces
Dualität und Sensitivität in der linearen Optimierung
Melissa Weber
Computing Coefficients in Certain Normally Nonsingular Expansions
Tom Stalljohann
Multilevel training of residual neural networks
Leonie Kreis
A polyfold perspective on APS operator families and topology-changing domains
Tobias Witt
Phase space of billiards with and without magnetic field as symplectic quotient.
Gautam Dilip Banhatti
A Basmajian-type inequality for the indefinite orthogonal group.
Federica Bertolotti
A Contribution towards Graph Embedding in Symmetric Spaces.
Clemens Fruböse
Poisson geometry in evolutionary game theory.
Davide Legacci
Extending results of TDA to Bregman point clouds.
Máté László Telek
Character varieties and Lagrangian submanifolds.
Lukas Sauer
A twist condition for magnetic flows on the two-sphere.
Raphael Schlarb
Hofer-Zehnder capacity for magnetic systems on the two-sphere.
Johanna Bimmermann
Compact Lorentz 3-folds with non-compact isometry groups.
Oskar Riedler
Universal structures far from equilibrium in alpha complexes and persistent homology.
Daniel Spitz
Deformations of flags and convex sets in \(\mathbb{RP}^2\)
Sven Grützmacher
A boundary map to the Roller boundary of a CAT(0) cube complex
Tim Adler
Earthquakes in the hyperbolic plane
Mareike Pfeil
Andreev’s Theorem on 3-dimensional Hyperbolic Polyhedra
Andrea Rincón
Fixed points of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms on closed symplectically aspherical manifolds
Irene Elisabeth Seifert
Billards im Magnetfeld
Anna-Maria Vocke
Spektrale Netze und Fock-Goncharov Koordinaten
Evgenii Rogozinnikov
A family of representations for the modular group
Fabian Kißler
On Volume Rigidity of Lattices
Yannick M. Krifka
Spectral Networks - A story of Wall-Crossing in Geometry and Physics
Sebastian Schulz
Horofunction Compactification of Finite-Dimensional Normed Spaces and of Symmetric Spaces
Anna-Sofie Schilling
Mapping Class Groups and Fundamental Groups: a closer look at the Dehn Nielsen Baer theorem with illustration
Grenzen der Prädikatenlogik erster Stufe: Gödelscher Unvollständigkeitssatz und Satz von Löwenheim-Skolem
Miro Rashid
Parametric Linear Optimization Using Neural Networks
Karina Kniel
Der PageRank-Algorithmus und dessen Verbesserungen
Anna Häfner
The multiplicity of the smallest positive eigenvalue of the Laplacian on the Klein Quartic
Benno Wendland
The n-queens completion problem
Danielle Eitelmann
Convex Techniques in Stochastic Linear Programming
Max Jungmann
Iterative Solution of Markov Decision Processes
Phil Neitzel
The Saddle Connection Graph of the Golden L
Isabel Giray
Periodic Bounce Orbits Obtained by Various Approximation Schemes
Jannik Westermann
Planning Optimal Smart-Homes using Integer Linear Programming
Fidelius von Manstein
Dimensionen fraktaler Schwämme, Methode der Konstruktion, Berechnung und Visualisierung
Cornelius Zenkert
Limit sets for once punctured torus groups acting discretely on the Riemann sphere
Marcel Stoklasa
Starrheit der Extremwerte der \(L_p\)-Norm der zentroaffinen Krümmung in zentroaffiner Parametrisierung
David Seyboldt
Polare und Hatchet Planimeter - ihre Theorie und Konstruktion
Aaron Paul Osburg
Löwner-John ellipsoids
Eric Ommert
CAT(0) spaces and Gromov's condition
Antonia Seifert
Apollonian circle packings
Global Surfaces of Section and the Hopf Fibration
Anna Ziegler
On Lerman’s Cut Construction
Tom Stalljohann
Universal Constants in 3-Dimensional Hyperbolic Manifolds.
Benedikt Pfahls
Algorithmic implementation of the solution to the word problem in Right-Angled Artin groups.
Jannis Heising
Blaschke Conjecture and Hopf Rigidity.
Christian Alber
Singularity Theorems with an emphasis on the interplay of low regularity and energy conditions.
Jonas von Berg
Reflection length in affine Coxeter groups.
Noam von Rotberg
Sharkovsky’s Theorem. A direct proof and further observations.
Caroline Edmaier
Die Penrose-Parkettierung mit Drachen und Pfeil.
Katharina Krapf
Scaling limits of random trees.
Tobias Schröder
Coxeter groups, the Davis complex, and isolated flats.
Ferdinand Vanmaele
Kreishomöomorphismen - Aspekte eines dynamischen Systems.
Johannes Wenzel
Reidemeistertorsion in der Morse-Novikov-Theorie.
Levin Maier
Über die Hyperbolizität des Kurvengraphen
Lukas Bohsung
Die Definition der euklidischen Geometrie über die Abstandsfunktion
Kira-Maria Rolli
The pentagrid as a device for the study of Penrose tilings
Markus Schreiber
Jørgensen Lemma
Fabian Cejka
Das Poincaré-Birkhoff Fixpunkttheorem und Anwendungen auf Billards
Anna-Maria Vocke