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Members of the Research Station Geometry + Dynamics


The Research station thrives on the commitment and activity of its numerous members. See a list of former members here.

(Junior-) Professors

Prof. Dr. Petra Schwer

Research Interests

Geometric group theory
Combinatorics and graph theory
Hyperbolic groups and beyond
Room: 3.401 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14227
Email: schwer@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Prof. Dr. Christoph Schnörr

Research Interests

Geometric and topological data analysis
Room: 4.206 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14160
Email: schnoerr@math.uni-heidelberg.de

Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog

Room: 02.325 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14617
Email: roland.herzog@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de

Jun.Prof. Dr. Agustin Moreno

Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Floer theory
Magnetic and billiard-type dynamical systems
Dynamical Systems
Room: 03.402 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14228
Email: amoreno@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Prof. Dr. Felix Joos

Research Interests

Combinatorics and graph theory
Room: 2.209 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14322
Email: joos@uni-heidelberg.de

Prof. Dr. Peter Albers


Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Floer theory
Magnetic and billiard-type dynamical systems
Room: 3.405 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14230
Email: palbers@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de
Research Group Leaders

Dr. Anja Randecker

Research Interests

Moduli spaces of geometric structures
Geometric group theory
Hyperbolic groups and beyond
Surfaces and mapping class groups
Room: 3.311 , INF 205
Phone: +49-6221-54-14207
Email: randecker@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Florent Schaffhauser

HEGL Lab Manager

Research Interests

Moduli spaces of geometric structures
Differential Geometry
Higher rank Teichmüller theory
Higgs bundles
Room: 03.312 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14208
Email: fschaffhauser@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Raphael Appenzeller

Research Interests

Differential Geometry
Geometric group theory
Hyperbolic groups and beyond
Higher rank Teichmüller theory
Room: 3.328 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221 54-14219
Email: rappenzeller@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Bianca Marchionna

Room: 3.328 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221 54-14219
Email: bmarchionna@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Bhanu Kumar

Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Dynamical Systems
Room: 03.321 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14214
Email: bkumar@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. José Pedro Quintanilha

Research Interests

Geometric group theory
Combinatorics and graph theory
Hyperbolic groups and beyond
Surfaces and mapping class groups
Room: 3.407 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14231
Email: jquintanilha@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Cengiz Aydin

Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Dynamical Systems
Room: 3.303 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14202
Email: caydin@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Connor Jackman

Room: 3.404 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14229
Email: cjackman@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Richard Siefring

Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Floer theory
Room: 3.102A , INF 206 (Geb. B)
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14868
Email: siefring@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Valdo Tatitscheff

Research Interests

Combinatorics and graph theory
Positivity in Lie groups and cluster algebras
Higher rank Teichmüller theory
Room: 5.209 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14061
Email: valdo.tatitscheff@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Kevin Wiegand

Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Moduli spaces of geometric structures
Floer theory
Dynamical Systems
Room: 3.404 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14229
Email: kwiegand@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Donald Youmans

Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Moduli spaces of geometric structures
Differential Geometry
Room: 5.209 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14061
Email: youmans@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Ana Chavez Caliz

Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Moduli spaces of geometric structures
Magnetic and billiard-type dynamical systems
Dynamical Systems
Chavez Caliz
Room: 3.104 A , INF 206 (Geb. B)
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14867
Email: acaliz@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Dr. Anna-Sofie Schilling

Scientific Coordinator

Research Interests

Differential Geometry
Room: 3.307 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14205
Email: aschilling@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de
PhD Students

Marco Lotz

Room: 3.400 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0)6221 54-14226
Email: mlotz@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Jonas Cassel

Research Interests

Geometric and topological data analysis
Room: 4.228 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0)6221 54-14-838
Email: cassel@math.uni-heidelberg.de

Erick Gordillo

Research Interests

Moduli spaces of geometric structures
Geometric group theory
Surfaces and mapping class groups
Dynamical Systems
Room: 3.301 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0)6221 54-14201
Email: eherrerias@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Lina Deschamps

Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Differential Geometry
Magnetic and billiard-type dynamical systems
Room: 03.114A , INF 206
Phone: +49 (0)6221 54-14889
Email: ldeschamps@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Tobias Witt

Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Moduli spaces of geometric structures
Floer theory
Magnetic and billiard-type dynamical systems
Room: 3.306 , INF 205
Phone: 06221 54-14204
Email: twitt@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Francesco Ruscelli

Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Floer theory
Magnetic and billiard-type dynamical systems
Dynamical Systems
Room: 03.400 , INF 205
Phone: +39 345 06 26 274
Email: fruscelli@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Tom Stalljohann

Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Floer theory
Differential Geometry
Magnetic and billiard-type dynamical systems
Dynamical Systems
Room: 3.400 , INF 205

Arthur Limoge

Research Interests

Symplectic and contact geometry
Floer theory
Room: A114 , Building 43
Phone: +33(0) 6 11 90 66 43
Email: alimoge@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Levin Maier

Room: 3.114 A , Mathematikon B
Phone: 06221 54-14889
Email: lmaier@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Kirstin Wachter

Room: 3.412 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-14224
Email: kwachter@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Lei Lü

Room: 03.411 , INF 205
Phone: +49 (0) 6221 54 14235
Email: lu@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

Evelyne Bachmann


Room: 3.418 , INF 205
Mathematisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0) 6221 - 54-14237
Email: ebachmann@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de