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Teaching activities in summer semester 2024


This list gives an overview over all teaching activities offered by members of the Research Station, including lectures, student seminars, reading seminars and internships. 

Research Seminars and special events are also listed here.

Please note that teaching usually takes place in person. Please register on MÜSLI to be counted as a participant and to get all information.


Ordinary Differential Equations

Peter Albers

Differential Geometry 1

Agustin Moreno

Coxeter groups and buildings

Petra Schwer

RTG Lecture

Linear Algebra II

Roland Herzog


Dynamical systems from a mathematical point of view

Kevin Wiegand

Bachelor-/Masterseminar Geometry and Dynamics

Peter Albers, Beatrice Pozzetti, Petra Schwer

HEGL: Mathematik unterrichten

Computer-assisted mathematics

Florent Schaffhauser, Judith Ludwig

Gruppen, Gruppenoperationen und Bäume (Blockseminar)

Anja Randecker, Petra Schwer

Research Seminars

HEGL Community Seminar

Geometry Seminar

RTG Colloquium

Symplectic Geometry Seminar


Geometry and Groups Seminar

Jour fixe (STRUCTURES)

Schedule summer semester 2024