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Dr. Donald Youman

Research Interest

My research interest lies in the intersection of mathematics and physics. I am especially interested in the mathematical structures underlying physical systems such as symplectic and differential geometry and (homotopy) Lie algebras, as well as certain mathematical spaces which one encounters in the study of QFT and string theory, for example moduli spaces (e.g. of flat connections or complex structures).


A list of publications can be found on arXiv.

Short CV

since 2022

Postdoctoral researcher at STRUCTURES, Heidelberg

2020- 2022

Postdoctoral researcher at University of Bern

2016 - 2020

PhD at University of Geneva

Dr. Donald Youman

Room 119 Mathematikon B, INF 205
Mathematisches Institut
Universität Heidelberg

Phone: TBA
E-Mail: youmans@uni-heidelberg.de