HEGL Winter Activity and Christmas Party
Our winter community project this year consisted of parquet flooring with self-decorated Einstein tiles.For the parquet flooring, everyone could design tiles in advance or live and then we used them to create a beautiful Einstein island at the Christmas party. The red tiles are the mirrored ones, the green ones all have the same orientation. The parquet is now on display in the foyer of the Mathematikon before we hang it up in its final location.
In addition, a large Bascetta star was folded out of 270 modules at the Christmas party. The basic structure is a truncated icosahedron (soccer ball) made of 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons. For the star, five or six triangular spikes are then added to each pentagon or hexagon.
And of course we also played games, ate cookies, juggled and had a nice chat.
Older new from the Research Station can be found in the news archive.