Abstract: In 1989, Carsten Thomassen posed the following embedding problem: Any graph with a minimum degree greater than a sufficiently large constant $C > 10^{10^{10}}$ contains a pillar as a subgraph. A pillar is a graph composed of two disjoint cycles with equal length, along with a path system of pairwise disjoint paths, all with same length, that connect matching vertices in order around the two cycles. Thomassen's conjecture was solved 30 years later by I. Gil Fernandez and H. Liu in their paper `How to build a pillar: A proof of Thomassen's conjecture' . There they also claimed that their method can be extended to prove the existence of a $K_k$-pillar, which is the generalized version of a pillar. This thesis accomplishes this by adopting the proof of I. Gil Fernandez and H. Liu.